有围手术期外伤的危险 risk for perioperative positioning injury; risk for perloperatlve positioning injury
有围手术期受伤的危险 risk for perioperative positioning injury
We found much of intelligence and promise in the boy . 我们发现这男孩聪明有为。
They are intelligent and promising . 他们聪明有为。
He 's a clever young man and knows how to play his cards well . 他年轻有为,巧于运筹。
He was esteemed an industrious, thriving young man . 他在人们心目中被看成一个勤奋有为的青年。
Moreover he had the gift of attracting and using able young men . 此外,他还有吸引和使用有为青年的才能。
They are all intelligent, reputable men and all judges of good wine . 他们都是聪明有为,声名卓著的人物和评品好酒的行家。
Many distinguished and able men from all sections had felt it an honour as well as a duty to serve their country . 各阶层的许多杰出有为之士都把为国家献身视为崇高的神圣职责。
There might be a hundred ways for him that was a gentleman, and a bold enterprising man, to find his way back again . 尤其像他这么一个英武有为的男人,总会有很多路子可以回来的。
Strong presidents have often been followed by weak ones, in the aftermath of every active presidency, congress has reasserted its own independence and power . 干练有为的总统后面,往往跟着软弱无能的总统。而且每当一位能干的总统卸任以后,国会总要重申它的独立自主和权力。