He could have concentrated on the summit . 他本来可以一心扑在最高级会谈上。
Any summit meeting should come at the end of careful preparation . 任何最高级会谈都必须在精心的准备之后举行。
When feelers were extended for a summit meeting his name was invariably mentioned . 凡是在最高级会谈上伸出触角时,总是提到他的名字。
The 1973 summit laid bare the ambiguities of east-west relations in the nuclear age . 一九七三年的最高级会谈揭示了核时代暖昧的东西方关系。
We had our hands full with summits in beijing and moscow and hanoi's spring offensive . 我们当时正忙于同北京和莫斯科举行最高级会谈以及河内的春季反攻。
You should bear in mind that powerful forces in the world are out to block the summit meeting . 你应该记住,世界上有些强大的势力想要阻挠这次最高级会谈。
The summit was sure to go down the drain if we played our "hole card" of blockade against the area . 如果我们打出封锁那地区这张“得分牌”,最高级会谈肯定会告吹。
If nixon had wanted to adopted a stonewalling strategy on the summit he should not have let me go to moscow . 如果尼克松要在最高级会谈问题上采取拖延策略,他就不会派我到莫斯科去了。
Rather than begin with ultimatums, i expressed on behalf of the president our commitment to a successful summit . 我没有一开始就发最后通牒,而是先代表总统表示我们将致力于最高级会谈的成功。
Next year , the summit will be held in vienna 明年将在维也纳举行最高级会谈。