Cao zhiqiang prepared the procedure of the activities 活动的程序由曹志强编写。
I have known jerlian for over twenty years , but my seven year old daughter pipi seems to have a much better grasp of what auntie tsao is all about 认识曹志涟已经超过二十个年头,但我七岁的女儿,皮皮,似乎更能抓住曹阿姨是怎样一回事。
Arnold , jennifer & thomas wasow 2000 . heaviness vs . newness : the effects of structural complexity and discourse status on constituent ordering . language 76 ( 1 ) 曹志耘2000 .东南方言里动词的后置成分。将刊于《东方语言与文化》第一辑,上海:东方出版社。
The ceremony was jointly officiated by mr chan king cheung , chief editor , hkej and prof edward chen , president of the university . attending guests included mr cho chi ming , director , hkej and mr man cheuk fei , chief editor , hkej monthly 支票移交仪式由信报财经新闻总编辑陈景祥先生及岭大校长陈坤耀教授联合主礼,出席嘉宾包括信报财经董事曹志明先生笔名曹仁超及信报财经月刊总编辑文灼非先生。
Speaking at the ceremony , mr cho chi ming said , lingnan is dedicated to liberal arts education with a whole - person approach and this distinguishes the university from other local tertiary institutions . lingnan has also achieved higher ranking in surveys on the relative strengths of local tertiary institutions . hong kong economic journal is most pleased to support a chair professorship of finance at lingnan for nurturing talents so as to fulfill our commitment to society 曹志明先生于仪式上表示岭大致力以博雅教育培养学生多方面才能,这在本港多所大专院校中尤为突出而岭大屡次在各大学的经济学科优势评比调查中名列前茅,证明岭大学术水平甚高,本机构十分乐意支持岭大设立财务学讲座教授教席,为社会培育更多人才,回馈社会。