- hormone therapy for menopausal symptoms
- 更年期 climacteric; climacterium; m ...
- 症状 symptom
- 激素 hormone
- 治疗 treat; cure; remedy
- 更年期症状 climacteric symptoms; menopausal symptoms; menopause syndrome
- 消除更年期症的 climacteric syndrome relieving
- 雌激素治疗 estrogenic hormone therapy
- 激素治疗 hormonotherapy
- 性激素治疗 gonadotherapy
- 卵巢激素治疗 oht ovarian hormone therapy
- 甾类激素治疗 steroid therapy
- 人更年期促性激素 human menopausal gonadotrophin
- 新辅助激素治疗 nht
- 更年期 climacteric; climacterium; menopause; involutional climacterium 处于更年期的妇女 women at the change of life
- 旱期症状 early symptom
- 经前期症状 premenstrual symptom
- 绝经期症状 menopausal symptom
- 早期症状 early symptom; eatly symptom
- 迟发更年期 delayed climacterium
- 到达更年期 reach the menopause
- 更年期, 绝经期 a change of life
- 更年期出牙 climacteric dentition
- 更年期的 climacteric; involutional
- 更年期焦虑 anxietas presenilis
- 更年期门诊 menopause clinic