星期日和节假日包括在内 shinc sundays,holidays included; shinc sundays, holidays included; wwdsh weather workinc ing day sundays holidays included; wwdshing weather working day sundays holidays included
晴天工作日,星期日和节假日除外 wwdshex weather working day sundays,holidays excepted
星期日和假日包括在内 shinc sundays and holidays included; sunday and holidays included
晴天工作日,包括星期天和节假日 wwdshinc weather working days sundays and holidays included
晴天工作日,星期天和节假日除外 wwdshex weather working days sundays and holidays excepted
星期日和节假日 any time day night sundays and holidays included
日与节假日包括在内 saturdays sundays and holidays included; saturdays,sundays and holidays included (s.s.h.i.n.c); saturdays,sundays and holidays included (s.s.h.i.n.c)
星期日和节假日除外 shex sundays and holidays excluded; shex sundays holidays excepted; shex sundays,holidays excepted; shex sundays, holldays excepted; shex(sshex) sundays and holidays excluded; sundays and holidays excepted
星期日和节假日亦除外 shexeiu sundays and holidays excepted even if used
晴天工作日星期假日除外 wwdshex uu weather working day sunday holiday excepted unless used