普通 common; general; ordinary; plain; honest; private; trile; average 普通一兵 an ordinary soldier; a soldier in the ranks; a rank-and-filer; 普通人 the average person; the man in the street; 这是两所普通的房子。 these are just two ordinary houses.; 普通毕业生 a poll man; 普通法 [法律] common law; 普通高等教育 regular higher education; 普通话 putonghua; common speech (of the chinese language); standard chinese pronunciation; 普通客机 skycoach; 普通劳动者 ordinary labourer; 普通旅客列车 accommodation train; 普通税则 general tariff; 普通心理学 general psychology; 普通学科 general studies; 普通邮资 ordinary postage; 普通运价[正常运价] normal rate; 普通照会 [外交] verbal note; 普通中学 ordinary high [secondary] school; 普通装订 edition binding
The basic concept of siw is that it use the top and bottom layers of metal together with two row of vias is very small compared with wavelength , the dissipation loss of radiation is very small . it acts like a rectangular waveguide filled with some dielectrics , so components which can be composed by rectangular waveguide can also composed by siw such as antenna , filter , power divider , coupler , resonator 基片集成波导的基本概念是利用基片的上下金属板和两排间隔一定距离的金属孔构成波导的金属壁,由于每排金属孔孔间距远小于波长,因此由缝隙泄漏的能量很小,这相当于内部填充了介质的矩形波导,所以能够用矩形普通波导实现的结构也都可以用基片集成波导来实现,比如功分器、滤波器、天线、耦合器、振荡器等。