显而易见 obviously; apparently; as plain as the nose on one's face; be easy to see; can be seen with half an eye; clearly; clearly show; easily visible; evidently; it is crystal clear that ... ; stand out in bold [strong] relief; see with great ease; writ large; speak for itself 城市贫民窟的穷困是显而易见的。 poverty is much in evidence in the city slums
显而易见的 apparent a. easily seen or understood; plain; conspicuous; noticeable; obvious a. easy to understand; clear; visible
她喜欢把她那些显而易见的手段看作妙计 and she loved to contemplate her most transparent devices as marvels of low cunning
浅而易见 easily understood; simple and easily understood
见地 insight; judgment 很有见地 have keen in sight; show sound judgment; 对某事物有新的见地 get a fresh insight into ..
Every normal operator is trivially subnormal . 每一个正规算子显而易见地是次正规的。
Obviously , there are different kinds of late goal 显而易见地,迟来的进球也有很多不同的种类。
He was , quite simply , usually the best athlete on every floor and he used that talent to break down every defender and barrier in his path 在每一块球场上,他总是那么显而易见地成为最好的球员,在他前进的路上,没有一个防守者和障碍能敌得过他的天赋。
Obviously , a number of problems can occur in these matches so it is very important that the referee ( and assistants ) walk around the courts as much as possible 显而易见地,在这些比赛中可能会出现一些问题所以仲裁人(和助理)尽量多的在各个赛场中来回走动是非常重要的。
On it hang both the health of many of the baby - boomer generation as they reluctantly stare old age in the face and the financial health of rich countries ' medical and social - security systems 这个问题既事关婴儿潮一代中许多人的健康,因为他们正在无可奈何而又显而易见地老去;也事关富国的医疗和社会保障体系的财政健康。
However , since the movie was not directed by kurosawa , and we also don t know how much changes kei kumai and his collaborators have made to the original script , you should not expect it to look exactly like a kurosawa s movie 虽然影片始终不是由黑泽明亲自执导,我们亦无法得知导演熊井启曾否对剧情作出任何删改,但显而易见地,黑泽明的烙印,在片中处处可见。