- micromelting point apparatus
- 熔点 melting point; smelting poin ...
- 测定 determine; determination; se ...
- 器 implement; utensil; ware
- 显微熔点测定仪 micro melting point apparatus
- 微熔点测定仪 micro melting point apparatus
- 熔点测定器 fusing point determination a aratus; fusing point determination apparatus; meldometer; melting point apparatus
- 微量熔点测定器 micro melting point determination apparatus
- 熔点测定 fusing point test; melting point test; melting test
- 熔点测定法 inspection of vegetable oils-methods for determination of melting point
- 熔点测定计 meldometer; meltometer
- 熔点测定仪 melting point detector; melting point determination a aratus; melting point determination apparatus
- 冰点测定器 cryoscope; cryscope; freezing point apparatus
- 点测定器 flash point tester; flash tester
- 沸点测定器 boiling point a aratus; boiling point apparatus; boiling point determinator; ebulliometer; ebullioscope; hypsometer; hypsometre
- 佛点测定器 hypsometer
- 火点测定器 flashing point tester
- 露点测定器 dew point apparatus; dew-point apparatus
- 闪点测定器 flash point tester; flash tester; flashing point tester
- 灰熔点测定仪 ash fusion point determination meter
- 热台熔点测定 hot stage melting point determination
- 熔点测定方法 test method of fusion point for rubber antiagers and vulcanizing accelerators; testing method for melting point of pattern materials in investment casting
- 沸点测定器的 ebullioscopic
- 凝固点测定器 freezing point apparatus
- 平衡点测定器 null i trument; null instrument
- 相变点测定器 critical point tester