- 显出 give evidence; express; exhi ...
- 怒容 an angry look
- 他的脸上流露出怒容 anger showed in his face
- 怒容 an angry look 显出怒容 show anger
- 显出 give evidence; express; exhibition; show 显出原形 show one's true colours; be revealed for what one is; 显出一副褴褛邋遢相 present a seedy and slovenly appearance; 显出虚弱 underline the weakness (of); 他脸上显出很高兴的样子。 his face expressed great joy
- 使显出 educe; foil
- 显出现 explicit occurrence
- 满面怒容 one's face was ablaze with anger
- 面带怒容 wear an angry look; look black
- 怒容满面 one's face darkens.; a face contorted with anger; look very angry
- 指怒容满面 when scowling we twist the whole face to express anger bad temper etc *scowl
- 冒出怒火的眼睛 eyes flashing with anger
- 拿出, 引出, 使显出 fetch out
- 显出胆怯 show the white feather
- 显出结节的 bosselated
- 显出惊奇 wondering
- 显出静脉的 veined
- 显出老太 no.show one's age
- 显出老态 show one's age
- 显出霉斑 show mildew
- 显出缺点 halt
- 显出星形的 asteriated
- 显出虚弱 underline the weakness
- 显出样子 carry a face of; put on a face of
- 显出原形 show one's true colours