党对军队绝对领导的根本原则 the fundamental principle of the party exercising absolute leadershi over the armed forces; the fundamental principle of the party exercising absolute leadership over the armed forces
电子计算机导致数学计算的根本性变化 the electronic computer has brought about basic changes in carrying out mathematical computations
发展中国家的根本利益是一致的 the developing countries share the same fundamental interests
毁林和森林退化的根本原因会议 meeting on the underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation
软件工程中的根本和次要问题 no silver bullet essence and accident in software engineering
森林砍伐和退化的根本原因全球讲习班 global workshoon addressing the underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation
实现党风和社会风气的根本好转 bring about a fundamental improvement in party conduct and in general social conduct
始终代表中国最广大人民的根本利益 to always represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of _the chinese people
事物发展的根本原因在于其内部矛盾 the fundamental cause of the development of a thing lies in its internal contradictoriness
这个决定反映了广大人民的根本利益 this decision represents the fundamental interests of the people
根本 1.(基本的; 主要的) root; radical; basic; fundamental; essential; cardinal; foundation; origin 根本利益 fundamental interests; 根本原因 basic reason; root cause; 实现根本好转 bring about a fundamental turn for the better; 根本前提 fundamental prerequisite; 根本原则 cardinal principle; 作根本的改变 make radical changes; 第三世界国家之间没有根本的利害冲突。 there is no conflict of fundamental interests among third world countries.2.(全然) utterly; completely; entirely; at all 他根本不懂法文。 he doesn't know french at all.3.(彻底) radically; thoroughly 问题已根本解决。 the problem has been completely solved.; 根本大法 a body of basic laws; a fundamental charter; a constitution; 根本法 fundamental law; a body of basic laws; 根本责任 ultimate liability