the spring breeze has obtained its wish -- one has attained a success and is well-contented.; ride on the crest of success; extremely proud of one's success; gain senior official position (形容入官场腾达或事业顺心时得意洋洋的样子)
春风得意凤和鸣 triumphal celebrations春风得意凤求凰 a scholar's love song春风得意梅龙镇 the proud of mei long town春风得意上云霄 coal miner's daughter春风 spring breeze 满面春风 (a face) beaming with smiles; face wreathed in smiles得意 proud of oneself ; pleased with oneself; complacent 她听了这些奉承话而得意起来。 she was pleased by the flattery要风得风 dj chuen remix春风亭 shumputei赖春风 lai chunfeng送春风 spring brceze望春风 mayflower; raging flame grievance; the operations of spring wind; the spring breeze; the wind of spring; towards the spring wind醉春风 zuic得意的 beamish; complacent/inflatable; favorite; pet; proud adj得意地 complacently; with stars in one's eyes得意技 balls combo; finishing move得意妹 no dj vesion得意时 appe狂喜, 得意 glory in使得意 elate; flatter; preen oneself; pride oneself on走红;得意 have one's moment; have one/'s moment春风不化雨 the prime of miss jean brodie春风催绿 the spring wind speeds the greening of the plants春风风人 (比喻及时给人以教益或帮助) the spring breeze makes people pleasant -- to show benevolence towards all.give people a timely and salutary education; grace that has spread to all; the spring breeze brings people to life春风拂面 a spring breeze stroking the face; the (soft) spring breeze caressed one's cheeks春风带得归来燕 spring breeze brings back the returned swallow; the swallow returns in spring春风吹到诺敏河 spring wind comes to nuomin river
Aunt alexandra was thriving . 亚历山德拉姑妈正是春风得意 的时候。 In her best moments she did not act . 在春风得意 的时代,她是不必装模作样的。 He is with good coordination and a sunny smile . 他非常随和,一副春风得意 的样子。 For the time being everything was moonlight and roses . 他那时春风得意 ,事事顺心。 And he, who triumphed in the world, became more and more hollow in his vitality . 他,这位在人世间春风得意 的人越来越缺乏生气活力了。 There was in him the heartiness and intolerant joviality of the prosperous farmer . 在他身上有种生意昌隆的农场主常常表现出的春风得意 欢天喜地的劲头,叫人消受不了。 Do you not see your friends , or are you too proud to speak to them ? 你竟究是没看见你的朋友呢,还是春风得意 不愿和他们讲话? ” For good times , or bad times , we ' ll stay together and calm our nervous 无论是春风得意 之时,还是失败沮丧之际,我们都将在一起,彼此抚慰。 The contrast between vw ' s troubles and audi ' s success could have wider implications 大众的艰难困境与奥迪的春风得意 相比,还隐藏了更多的内幕。 Her father is a mob boss , and she gets her boyfriend alan played by adrian grenier mixed up in sports betting 当艾伦春风得意 之时,又?著辛蒂搭上美丽动人女教师。
春风得意的日语 :〈成〉科挙の進士試験を受かった時の得意げな様子をいう.とんとん拍子に出世したり,事業が順風満帆である時の誇らしげな様子をたとえる.春风得意的韩语 :【성어】 (1)(과거에 급제하여) 득의만면하다. (2)모든 일이 순풍에 돛을 단 것처럼 순조롭다.春风得意的俄语 :pinyin:chūnfēngdéyì весенний ветер сопутствует удаче (пожелание сдать экзамены на степень 進士 цзиньши)春风得意什么意思 :chūn fēng dé yì 【解释】旧时形容考中进士后的兴奋心情。后形容职位升迁顺利。 【出处】唐·孟郊《登科后》诗:“春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。” 【示例】在这些“伸手”派心目中,新社会也不过是一个猎场,可以任由他们在其中践踏一切,呼朋引类,~,纵马狩猎。(秦牧《手莫伸》) 【拼音码】cfdy 【灯谜面】二月作诗诗有情;酒助诗兴情更浓 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;形容如愿以...