孟 [仲; 季] 春 the first [second; last] month of spring; 温暖如春 as warm as spring; 早春 early spring; 大地回春。spring returns to the earth.; spring is here again.2.(男女情欲) love; lust
怀春 be in love; 猫叫春 a cat's caterwauling courtship3.(比喻生机) life; vitality
妙手回春 (of a physician) bring back life to a patient; 枯木逢春。a withered tree comes to life again.4.(姓氏) a surname
春的法语:名 1.printemps~风brise printanière. 2.vie;vitalité妙手回~main adroite qui ramène la santé;médecin habile qui rend la vie 3.éveil de l'amour;désir amoureux