日照率 and childre ercentage of po ible su hine; and childrenpercentage of possible sunshine; percentage of bright sunshine; rate of sunshine; relative sunshine duration
Sunshine, temperature, wind speeds and rainfall all affect the growth and cropping of apple trees . 日照、温度、风速和降雨量都能影响苹果的生长和结实。
We have no evidence of what would happen if transfers were made between high elevational regions but vastly different day-length regimes . 假如引种是在热带高海拔地区之间进行,只是日照长短的系统有很大改变,究竟会有什么情况发生,现在还没有证据。
Which seasons give us more hours of light 译文:哪个季节给我们的日照时间更长。
Global warming : will less sunlight do the trick 全球变暖,难道少点日照就行了吗?
A search into the architectural sunshine by use of computer 用计算机求解建筑日照问题
No . 78 , the second binhai road , rizhao city , shandong , china 中国山东省日照市海滨二路78号
A preliminary design for eco - industrial park in rizhao city 日照市生态产业园发展构想
Application of sunlit distance in architectural design 建筑日照间距在规划设计中的应用
Burst , to illumine our tempestuous day 或许跌出,把我们的风雨之日照明。
Analytical expression for daily solar profiles 日照分布曲线分析表达式