- 无谓 meaningless; pointless; sens ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 争吵 quarrel; wrangle; squabble
- 无谓的争吵,微怒 miff
- 不作无谓的争论 prevent a pointless argument
- 无谓的 u rovoked; unprovoked
- 作无谓的争执, 争论已经决定的事情 argue the toss
- 无谓的担忧 the waste of worry
- 无谓的牺牲 a useless sacrifice
- 公开的争吵 an open quarrel scandal etc
- 激烈的争吵 violent quarrel
- 剧烈的争吵 bitter quarrels enemies words
- 球的争吵 fight of bahs
- 无谓的同步控制 avoid unnecessary synchronization
- 阻止无谓的闲聊 stopping needless talk
- 老年里的争吵 quarrel in old age
- 喧闹的争吵,大黄 rhubarb
- 婚姻生活中的争吵 a matrimonial dispute problem etc
- 无谓 meaningless; pointless; senseless 无谓的牺牲 a useless sacrifice; a meaningless sacrifice; a senseless sacrifice; 不作无谓的争论 prevent a pointless argument; 无谓损失 [经] deadweight loss
- 我不愿卷到他们的争吵中去 i don't want to become embroiled in their quarrels
- 争吵 quarrel; wrangle; squabble 无谓的争吵 a pointless quarrel; 激烈的争吵 fierce [bitter] wrangling
- 大无谓 6am; dvd-rmvb 277m
- 无谓地 wastefully
- 无无谓 beyond
- 所谓的 alleged; what is called
- 无谓的争吵的法语:querelle sans rime ni raison;querelle d'alleman querelles de paroisse