无线电通信 dialogue; radio communications; radio contact; radio service; radio traffic; telecommunication; wireless communication
The trunked radio platform for the traffic police network has recently been made available to the auxiliary medical service and correctional services department . this innovative approach is seen as a first step towards a common government radio platform 交通无线电通讯网络的集群无线电通讯平台最近已开放给医疗辅助队和惩教署使用,为开拓政府部门共用无线电通讯平台踏出第一步。
With this high mobile phone penetration rates and the advances in technologies , hong kong stands to benefit from the rapid development of wireless technology and services , particularly through deployment in business process to enhance productivity and efficiency 有线主干,无线区域网络和蜂巢式无线电通讯网路系统将会融合以提供无处不通的宽频服务。当技术及服务逐渐成熟时,用户的通讯方式及需求亦会逐渐改变。