- and of this life he writes
- 无情 merciless; ruthless; heartle ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 笔调 tone; style
- 报纸的笔调 newspaper parlance
- 讽刺的笔调 a satirical tone
- 流畅的笔调 fluent pen
- 明快的笔调 a lucid and lively style
- 轻松的笔调 a light touch
- 通俗的笔调 a popular style
- 武断的笔调 the bowwow style
- 优美的笔调 elegant style
- 无情的 callous; coldhearted; cruel; dry; frosty; frozen; hardboiled; hardhearted; heartless; inexorable; insentient; marblehearted; pitiless; relentless; rigmarole; ruthless; sorry; uncharitable; unconscious; unfeeling; unforgiving; unhuman; unkind; unmerciful; unrelenting; unsympathetic
- 无情的, 无情地 without remorse
- 锋利泼辣的笔调 a sharp and pungent style
- 无情的雨无情的你 pitiless rain pitiless you; ruthless rain ruthless you
- 《无情的世界》 un monde sans pitié
- 变得无情的 calloused
- 残酷无情的 roughshod; ruthless
- 多石的, 无情的 stony
- 冷酷无情的 stonyhearted
- 无情的测试 ruthless testing
- 无情的攻击 razorjob
- 无情的批评 merciless criticism
- 无情的情人 my lover, my hate
- 无情的情书 heartless love letter; relenless love letter; relentless loss letter; relentless love letter