死无对证 there was no testimony of witness after the conspirator passed away.; dead men tell no tales.; lack evidence because of the death of a principal witness.; stone-dead hath no fellow.; the dead cannot bear witness
对应词 equivalent 这个词在英语中没有令人满意的对应词。 this word has no satisfactory equivalent in english. 有些美国单词在英国英语中没有对应词。 some american words have no british equivalents
By comparing the correspondent images or not correspondent ones , it draws a conclusion that we should pay more attention to the conveying of the implied cultural information when we transmit language information in cross - cultural communication 从英汉动物比喻联想中有无对应翻译着手,表明在进行跨文化交际时,不仅要准确无误地传达语言信息,更要重视隐含在语言里的文化信息传递。
The time petri nets which are discussed in this thesis are very simple and have the same modeling power as the turing machine , however , in general , there is just no comparison between the liveness , boundedness behaviors of a given time petri net and those of its corresponding classical petri net without time restrictions 本文研究的timepetrinet (简称为tpn )简单且模拟能力等价于图灵机,但tpn的活性、有界性和对应的传统petri网的相应性质并无对应关系。
Conventional iec three ratio method and new iec ratio criterion are reduced according to the method of decision table in rough set theory respectively , simplified diagnosis rules are proposed . besides being identical with original iec method , the codes of conventional iec three ratio method are increased and bounds of new iec ratio criterion are augment by using this method , codes imperfectness of conventional iec three ratio method and code name absence of new iec ratio criterion are improved to some extent , scarcity of codes in conventional iec three ratio method is offseted , absolutization of sort and boundary in new iec ratio criterion is overcomed . this is important in practice for its flexibility and enhanced error tolerances 应用粗糙集理论中的决策表化简的方法分别对常规iec三比值诊断表和iec新导则诊断表进行了化简,得到了简化的诊断规则,它们不但具有与常规iec三比值法和iec新导则完全相同的诊断分类能力,而且扩充了常规iec三比值表的编码范围和iec新导则的诊断范围,在一定程度上改善了常规iec三比值表编码缺损和iec新导则无对应代号的问题,弥补了常规iec三比值法编码的不足,克服了iec新导则分类及边界的绝对化,使得iec诊断法在实际诊断中更具灵活性、实用性和容错性,提高了故障诊断能力。
Between 918 and 1180 aa , 22 - 23 amino acids of crylaal4 were different from 11 of all 13 crylaa protein except cry1aa9 and cry1aa13 , and especially four amino acids were additional , but they could be found in crylab protein . recombinant plasmid , pbybl , with full length cry1aa14 gene was constructed and transformed into a bt acrystalliferous mutant strain hd73 cry 在氨基酸序列918 1180间,和以知的13种cry1aa的11种(不包括cry1aa9和cry1aa13 )存在22或23个氨基酸的差异(其中1094 1097的4个氨基酸无对应序列) ,而这段区域和cry1ab氨基酸序列的对应区域无差异。