not to care one way or another; indecisive; uncertain; without any preconceived ideas
宁可无钱,不可无耻 It is better to be clothed in rags than to be clothed with shame.
宁可无钱不可无耻 it is better to be clothed in rags than to be clothed with shame
无可不可 be so pleased that one does not know what to do; to such an extent that one feels at a loss; very much
无不 all without exception; invariably 无不称快。 all without exception were glad. 无不为之感动。 none were unmoved. 见此惨状, 无不落泪。 no one could look at such a pitiful sight with dry eyes
战无不胜,攻无不克 triumph in every battle and succeed in every invasionbe all-conqueringOne has never failed to win a battle or to take a city.There is no battle we cannot win and no fortress we cannot storm.turn out victorious wherever one heads forwin all and overcome all
战无不胜攻无不克 there is no battle we cannot win and no fortress we cannot storm
知无不言,言无不尽 Say all you know and say it without reserve.If I know of it,I'll speak.If I speak at all,I'll tell all I know.pour out all one knows without reservationtell the truth and the whole truth
知无不言言无不尽 say all you know and say it without reserve
As a stargazer , you may be familiar with western constellations like ursa major , cassiopeia , orion and taurus . are you interested in visiting the ancient china in the sky and strolling along the celestial palace , government office and market ? you may pay respects to the emperor and the prince ( luckily , you no longer need to kneel down and perform kowtow to the royal family ) , discuss politics with the premier and other chinese officials , or simply go shopping in the celestial market 爱好观星的你,在细数大熊、仙后、猎户、金牛之际,可有兴趣重回古代的中国,漫步天阶,在星空中皇宫、明堂、市井之间游历,和皇帝、太子促膝谈心,和三公、九卿共相国事,或在无可无不可之间,闲逛天市,遥想古代的繁华市集?
Unlike the west , where the starry sky is a pantheon of greek legendary hero and mystic creatures , the chinese treat the heavens as a miniature of their earthly world , a reflection of their feudal society . as a stargazer , you may be familiar with western constellations like ursa major , cassiopeia , orion and taurus . are you interested in visiting the ancient china in the sky and strolling along the celestial palace , government office and market 爱好观星的你,在细数大熊仙后猎户金牛之际,可有兴趣重回古代的中国,漫步天阶,在星空中皇宫明堂市井之间游历,和皇帝太子促膝谈心,和三公九卿共相国事,或在无可无不可之间,闲逛天市,遥想古代的繁华市集?