

音标:[ wúkěwúbùkě ]   发音:
  • not to care one way or another; indecisive; uncertain; without any preconceived ideas



  • 例句与用法
  • As a stargazer , you may be familiar with western constellations like ursa major , cassiopeia , orion and taurus . are you interested in visiting the ancient china in the sky and strolling along the celestial palace , government office and market ? you may pay respects to the emperor and the prince ( luckily , you no longer need to kneel down and perform kowtow to the royal family ) , discuss politics with the premier and other chinese officials , or simply go shopping in the celestial market
  • Unlike the west , where the starry sky is a pantheon of greek legendary hero and mystic creatures , the chinese treat the heavens as a miniature of their earthly world , a reflection of their feudal society . as a stargazer , you may be familiar with western constellations like ursa major , cassiopeia , orion and taurus . are you interested in visiting the ancient china in the sky and strolling along the celestial palace , government office and market
  • 其他语种释义
  • 无可无不可的日语:〈成〉 (1)どうでもよい.別にどうということはない. 我去也行,不去也行,无可无不可/私は行っても行かなくても,どうでもかまわない. (2)〈方〉有頂天である. 老太太一见了外孙子,喜欢得无可无不可的/おばあさんは孫を見るとたいへんな喜びようだった.
  • 无可无不可的韩语:【성어】 (1)아무래도 좋다. 어느 쪽이라도 상관 없다. 打场也好, 送肥也好, 我是无可无不可的; 마당질도 좋고 거름내기도 좋고, 나는 아무래도 좋다 (2)☞[无可不可(2)]
  • 无可无不可的俄语:[wú kě wú bù kě] обр. абсолютно безразлично; всё равно
  • 无可无不可什么意思:wú kě wú bù kě 【解释】表示怎样办都行,没有一定的主见。 【出处】《论语·微子》:“我则异于是,是无可无不可。” 【拼音码】wkwk 【用法】复句式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义 【英文】indifferent
  • 推荐英语阅读
无可无不可的英文翻译,无可无不可英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译无可无不可,无可无不可的英文意思,無可無不可的英文无可无不可 meaning in English無可無不可的英文无可无不可怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
