Not secured by spars or stays . used of a sail 无保护的没有船柱或支索保护的。用于帆船
Double eyes without protective fitting attachment , for overhead power lines 架空电力线用无保护紧固件的双眼
Method of test for resistance to fire of unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits 紧急电路用无保护小电缆的耐火性试验方法
Method of test for resistance to fire of larger unprotected power and control cables for use in emergency circuits 紧急电路用大型无保护动力和控制电缆耐火性试验方法
Unprotected skin exposed to uv radiation generates harmful compounds called reactive oxygen species or ros 暴露在紫外线辐射下的无保护的皮肤会产生叫活性氧簇ros的有害化合物。
Unprotected skin exposed 12 to uv radiation generates 13 harmful compounds 14 called reactive oxygen species 15 or ros 暴露在紫外线辐射下的无保护的皮肤会产生叫活性氧簇ros的有害化合物。
Unprotected skin exposed ( 12 ) to uv radiation generates ( 13 ) harmful compounds ( 14 ) called reactive oxygen species ( 15 ) or ros 暴露在紫外线辐射下的无保护的皮肤会产生叫活性氧簇( ros )的有害化合物。
Teching up is usually the next step , but building stormriders can also wreak havoc on unprotected predators and harvesters 攀科技通常是下一步,不过造风暴骑士也可以大量摧毁无保护的捕食者和矿车。
U rotected skin exposed ( 12 ) to uv radiation generates ( 13 ) harmful compounds ( 14 ) called reactive oxygen ecies ( 15 ) or ros 暴露在紫外线辐射下的无保护的皮肤会产生叫活性氧簇( ros )的有害化合物。
Construction and demolition operations - safety requirements for temporary floor holes , wall openings , stairways and other unprotected edges 建筑施工和拆除工作.临时脚踏板和墙口楼梯和其他无保护边缘的安全要求