- complete rupture of rotator cuff
- 旋转 revolve; gyrate; rotate; spi ...
- 袖 sleeve
- 完全 complete; whole; perfect
- 断裂 break; disrupt; flying-off; ...
- 完全断裂 complete break
- 完全断了气的 stone-dead
- 完全死了的, 完全断了气的 stone-dead
- 不完全旋转 semi-roller release
- 旋转;完全改变(主张) turn round
- 全断面 gross section
- 断裂 break; disrupt; flying-off; fracture; fragmentation; out-break; rift;crack;bursting;rupture;rending; tearing; segmentation◇断裂标志 signs of failure; 断裂长度 breaking length; 断裂次数 breaks; 断裂带 [地质学] riftzone; fault zone; fracture zone
- 反转袖口防酸手套 acid gloves with tur ack cuffs; acid gloves with turnback cuffs
- 安全断流 safety cut-out
- 安全断流器 safety cutout
- 安全断路 safety trip
- 安全断路器 safety cutout
- 全断路按钮 stop-all button
- 全断面爆破 full-face blast
- 全断面的 full face
- 全断面盾构 full shield
- 全断面法 full section method
- 全断面降伏 general yielding
- 全断面掘进 full advance; full face driving; full-bottom advance; full-face driving
- 全断面渗碳 homogeneous carbonizing
- 全断面图 complete sectional view; sectional view