行经 1.(行程中经过) go by; pass by 当汽车行经村庄时, 我看到了一群羊。 i saw a flock of sheep when the car passed through a village.2.[生理学] menstruate 行经过早 proiomenorrhea
经验 1.(由实践得来的知识或技能) experience 经验不足 lack experience; not be sufficiently experienced; 经验丰富 have rich experience; be very experienced; well experienced; 经验之谈 remark made by one who has had experience; the wise remark of an experienced person; 间接经验 indirect experience; 交流经验 exchange experience; 介绍经验 pass on one's experience; 直接经验 direct experience; 总结经验 sum up experience; 积累经验 accumulate experience; 扩大经验 widen one's experience; 20年的航海经验 twenty years' sea-going experience; 工作经验 work experience; 她是一个有经验的主妇。 she was a housewife of experience. 经验为智慧之母。 experience is the mother of wisdom. 谁也不能忽视人类所积累的经验。 none can afford to neglect the accumulated experience of man.2.(经历) go through; experience; 经验教训 lessons from one's experience; experience and lessons; 经验主义 empiricism; 经验主义者 empiricist
2 learning some german before visiting europe helped enrich my travel experience 去欧洲旅行之前学习一些德文,帮助我的旅行经验更丰富。
Dave : same here . she ' s got to be 1 ) worldly . i can ' t stand people who aren ' t well - traveled 戴夫:我也一样。她必须见过世面。我不能忍受没什么旅行经验的人。
The magnificence of the south africa ' s nature reserves offers any visitor an experience that will go unmatched in their travel experience 壮观南非的自然保护区提供任何访客的经验将无可匹敌,在他们的旅行经验。
Students who take a gap year often say the experience helps them get a better perspective on the world and broadens their cultural awareness 那些做了这些“间歇年”旅行的经常说这些旅行经验帮助他们对世界有更深入的了解,同时扩大了对文化的认识。