- press and cultural counselor
- pressandculturalcounselor
- 新闻 news
- 文化参赞 cultural counsellor
- 文化参赞 cultural attache; cultural counsellor; cultural secretary; culture counsellor; secretary
- 新闻文化 journalistic culture
- 新闻文化司 department for information and culture
- 新闻文化学 news culturology
- 文化参赞裴孝贤 donald bishop
- 驻华使馆文化参赞魏博 maria weber
- 阿尔及利亚新闻文化中心 algerian centre of information and culture
- 芬兰外交部新闻文化司 department of press and cultural affairs of the foreign ministry of finland
- 新闻文化和科学合作司 information culture and science cooperation department
- 新闻文化和体育部长 minister of information culture and sports
- 中国新闻文化促进会 chinese society for the promotion of journalistic culture
- 新闻文告 information letter
- 新闻文体 style of language thought to be typical of newspapers containing many cliches
- 新闻文献 carta informativa
- 新闻文摘 digest of press and events; newspot; noroous digest; published in ankara; turkish digest
- 新闻文章 news articles
- 负责新闻文化青年和体育的国务秘书 secretary of state in charge of information culture youth and sports
- 新闻文化和社区发展部长兼参议院领袖 minister of information culture and community development and leader of the senate
- 陆军新闻文摘 army information digest
- 伊朗新闻文摘 iran press digest
- 中孤闻文化促进会 chinese society for the promotion of journalistic culture
- 阿尔法新闻文摘 alpha news digest
- 阿拉伯新闻文摘 arab press digest
- Press and cultural counselor