The new law is now established beyond recall . 新法律现已制定,不得撤销。
Surveys show that 75 % of people approve of the new law . 调查显示75%的人赞成新法规。
Surveys show that 75 % of people approve of the new law . 民意测验表明,75%的人赞成新法律。
The minister was asked to pronounce on the proposed new legislation . 部长被要求对提出的新法案表态。
Judge temple tells the company about a new law restricting hunting . 坦普尔法官向他们宣布了限制打猎的新法令。
The new method was so much cheaper that aluminum became practical for many purposes . 新法炼铝经济得多,这使得铝有了许多实际用途。
The government had introduced a new law that was certain to reduce the profits of the coal mines . 政府制订了一条新法律,无疑要减少煤矿的利润。
In 1980, new legislation permitted larger farms and encouraged part-time farmers to lease their land . 1980年,新法律承认更大的农场,并鼓励兼职农民出租土地。
So retrogressive, in fact, was the new court that on occasion it tended to be blindly reactionary in cases involving economic and social policies . 实际上,这个新法院是如此倒退,以致在牵涉到经济和社会政策的诉讼中,它总是明目张胆地倾向于反动。
If the drug industry waits for congressional hearings, and then new laws with tough restrictions, they will wish they'd acted first on their own . 如果医药工业界等着国会举行听证会,然而通过包括严格限制措施在内的新法令,那时候他们就该悔不当初了。