He has a squint , but is otherwise a handsome fellow . 除斜视外,在其他各点上他是一个漂亮的人。
He was hollow-chested, squint-eyed, and rather shambling, but spry enough withal . 他胸膛低陷,眼睛斜视,步履蹒跚,但又着实生气勃勃。
He could not help thinking how uncanny the man's squint eyes looked under its straight outstanding visor . 他不禁想到这个家伙的斜视眼,从帽子的大帽舌下望出来是何等的令人毛骨悚然。
It seemed to mrs. hopewell that every year she grew less like other people and more like herself--bloated, rude, and squint-eyed . 在霍普韦太太看来,她每年都越来越不同于一般人,原有的特点越来越突出--肥肿难分,粗暴无礼,双目斜视。
She looked down as she said this, amiably bashful, with only one side glance at her companion to observe its effect on her . 她说这些话时眼朝下望着,亲切地忸怩作态,眼睛斜视着她的同伴,以观察她刚才这些话在她同伴身上所产生的效果。
If he ' s cross - eyed , or if he stutters . whatever 他是否斜视,又或是结巴无论是什么
Chinese journal of strabismus amp; pediatric ophthalmology 中国斜视与小儿眼科杂志
All eyes to the front as we pass the other competitors 我们超越对手时要目不斜视
Clinical analysis of children ' s strabismus operation 儿童斜视手术的临床分析