The pacific archipelagos of fiji and tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship : tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in fiji , while fijians provided spouses for the tongan nobility 数百年来太平洋群岛上的斐济与汤加因贸易、血脉而紧紧相连:汤加王子坐支架独木舟西行,到斐济寻宝;斐济人则同汤加贵族联姻。
The pacific archipelagos of fiji and tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship : tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in fiji , while fijians provided spouses for the tongan nobility 多个世纪来,平静的斐济和汤加群岛被贸易和血缘相联系:汤加王子驾着小船向西旅行到斐济寻找未来的伴侣,斐济人嫁给了这个贵族。
The pacific archipelagos of fiji and tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship : tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in fiji , while fijians provided spouses for the tongan nobility 太平洋群岛,斐济和汤加已经数百年来连接了贸易而且成为剪不断的关系:汤加王储一路向西,乘着都木舟去寻找财富,然而斐济人却为汤加贵族提供了配偶。