- men eminent in literature
- 文坛 the literary world; the lite ...
- 名人 famous person; eminent perso ...
- 风云人物 政坛名人 珍藏版 a politics famous person
- 文坛 the literary world; the literary arena; the literary circles; the world of letters 轰动文坛 make a sensation in the literary world; 文坛名人 men eminent in literature
- 20世纪中华歌坛名人百集珍藏版 ape
- 二十世纪中华歌坛名人百集珍藏版 ape
- 名人 famous person; eminent person; celebrity; notable 历史名人 great names in history; 名人轶事 anecdotes of a famous person; 名人专访 talk show
- 球坛名将 a star to the tournament
- 驰骋文坛 play an outstanding role in the literary world; make a noise in the literary world; bestride the literary stage; be active and aggressive in the republic of letters
- 轰动文坛 make a sensation in the literary world
- 南方文坛 southern cultural forum
- 文坛巨匠 a literary heavyweight
- 文坛巨擘 a literary mogul; a master in literature
- 文坛新秀 a promising young writer
- 文坛艺苑 literatureart
- 文坛掌故 literary anecdotes
- 文坛轶事 literary anecdotes
- 在当今文坛 in today's literature
- 蜚声文坛 win renown in literary circles
- 代名人 nominee
- 名人 (小) the master of go
- 名人, 要人 a man of mark
- 名人,名流 celebrity
- 名人,要人 man of mark
- 名人传 de viris illustribus; lives