Most susceptible , and the first to be affected , are the intellectuals and the young students . 特别是文化人和青年学生,感觉敏锐,首当其冲。
In this world of literate, closely-knit communities, on the periphery of boston, appeared the phenomenon of transcendentalism . 就在波士顿周围抱成一团的文化人圈子里,超验思想应运而生。
You see, she has been away amongst cultivated folks a good while, and now this acquaintance with mrs. charmond--well, i'll ask her . 你知道,她已经离开家在那群文化人当中生活了那么久了,而且现在和查曼德夫人也认识了--好啦,我会问她的。
Gender equality in the view of cultural anthropology 文化人类学视野下的男女平等
On aesthetic ambit of li bai ' s cultural personality 论李白文化人格的美学境界
Cultural anthropologic studies and tourism planning 文化人类学研究与旅游规划
Li qingzhao ' s cultural personality from her works on the ci - poem 看李清照的文化人格
A perspective into cultural concern by popular culture 大众文化人文关怀透视
On the trans - culture management of human recourses 跨文化人力资源管理探讨
From the door of his tent : the fieldworker and the inquisitor 论米德对文化人类学的贡献