电讯 1.(用电话、电报或无线电设备发出的消息) (telegraphic) dispatch; telecommunications: 《中国日报》收到世界各地发来的电讯。 china daily receives dispatches from all parts of the world.2.(无线电讯号) radio communication signals◇电讯局 telecommunications office; 电讯设备 telecommunication equipment; 电讯失真 garble; 电讯协定 agreement on telecommunication matters; 电讯诊断 telognosis
Interfax : what is your prediction of china ' s demand for copper over the next five years 国际文传电讯社:您能否预计未来五年内中国对铜的需求情况?
Interfax news agency reported this week that a bear in a zoo awoke from hibernation two months early , while another did not go to sleep at all 据国际文传电讯报道,本周一家动物园中一只冬眠的熊提前2个月醒来,还有一只熊根本就没有冬眠。
Interfax : with fears mounting of a raw material shortage , many domestic copper companies , especially large ones , are going overseas to develop copper deposits 国际文传电讯社:由于越来越害怕原料短缺,国内许多铜业公司,尤其是大公司,纷纷前往海外开发铜矿。
Moscow pet shops are reporting a run on rats , as keen astrologically - minded russians snap them up ahead of the new year , which is the chinese year of the rat , interfax news agency reported 国际文传电讯社报道:随着中国鼠年新年的到来,一些相信占星说的俄罗斯人开始疯狂抢购老鼠,结果导致莫斯科诸多宠物店老鼠短缺。
Interfax , founded in 1989 , stamped its presence in china in 2000 . interfax china is a leading english news provider reporting on china ' s telecom , it , metals , pharmaceutical , commodities , energy and investment sectors 国际文传电讯社成立于1989年, 2000年开始在中国进行报道。目前,中国分社已经成为中国电信、 it 、金属、医药、能源、投资等产业英语新闻的领先提供者。