- 整 whole; all; complete
- 批发 wholesale
- 售 sell
- 整批发售〔证券 block offer
- 整批出售 批发 批发售出 批售 sellbywholesale
- 批发, 整批出售 sell by wholesale
- 发售 sell; put on sale 新的纪念邮票将于下星期发售。 the new commemorative stamps will be put on sale next week. 这些杂志在全国各地书店均有发售。 these magazines are sold at bookstores throughout the country
- 整批 batch; batch bulk◇整批出售 sell by wholesale; sell wholesale; 整批处理 batch processing
- 批发 1.(成批销售) wholesale 以批发方式 by wholesale2.(批准发布) be authorized for dispatch; 批发部 wholesale department; 批发承受商 wholesale receiver; 批发店 jobbing house; 批发公司 wholesale corporation; 批发购进 buy wholesale; 批发价格 wholesale price (a trade price); 批发价格指数 index number of wholesale prices; 批发零售商 semijobber; 批发贸易 wholesale trade; 批发商 wholesaler; merchant wholesaler; 批发商店 wholesale shop; 批发商业 wholesale commerce; 批发市场 terminal market; wholesale market; 批发物价指数 wholesale price index; 批发销售额 wholesale sales; 批发业 wholesale business; 批发折扣 trade discount; distributor discount; 批发中间商 wholesale middleman
- 日发售 cbs sony
- 整批的 batch; wholesale
- 批发的;批发地 wholesale
- (英雄连) 已发售 company of heroes
- 包销发售股 underwrite the offer shares
- 出让;公开发售 offer for sale
- 定价发售 fixed price offer
- 发售和出售 offering and sale
- 发售价格 offering price
- 发售时交割 wd when distributed
- 发售说明书 pro ectus; prospectus
- 发售约书 contract note of sales
- 公开发售 offer for sale; open sales; public offering
- 可发售市场 sam(sales available market
- 客票的发售 issueof tickets
- 率先发售 lovely prism