- 车间 farm; shop; workshop; depart ...
- 准备车间 beam house; preparing shop
- 化工设备车间 ehemical equipment shop
- 砂浆制备车间 pulp-preparation plant
- 准备车间操作 beamhouse operation
- 配炼车间,准备车间 compounding line
- 锭模底板准备车间 bottom plate preparation shop
- 废钢铁准备车间 scrap preparation shop
- 备车 ring stand by; ring stand-by; s/b eng. stood by engine; stand by engine; to get the engine ready
- 整备 adjust; servicing -ties
- 整备线 servicing siding
- 车间 farm; shop; workshop; department 大件装配车间 shop for assembling big parts; 锻工车间 blacksmith shop; forge shop; 翻砂车间 foundry; 工具车间 tool shop; 冷锻车间 cold hammering shop; 装配车间 assembly shop; fitting shop; 车间工长 shop foreman; 车间起重机 workshop crane; 车间设备 workshop appliance; 车间生产条件 shop condition; 车间搬运小车 dolly; 车间主任 works superintendent; workshop director; 车间自动化 job-shop automation
- 厂商自备车 private line car; privatelinecar
- 焊接设备车 welding truck
- 加油设备车 hydrant cart; metering cart
- 企业自备车 private car
- 全装备车 all equipped car; all-equipped car; all-equippedcar
- 停止备车 ring uengine
- 需自备车 owning of motocycle
- 车辆整备 car servicing
- 地面整备 ground readiness
- 机车整备 locomotive running preparation
- 机上整备 cms central maintenance computer system
- 集结整备 marshalling
- 技术整备 technical servicing