

  • data transmission channel



  • 例句与用法
  • To get data and instructions moving among the various components of the system , the computer needs a data bus
  • A pki and smart cards - based security scheme is presental for documents transmission , in this scheme , the client - and server do the authentication each other firstly , encrypte data transmission channel and then transfer secure documents , which significantly improved the ftp security
  • The interference resisting measures are discussed in the article , such as sensor designing , signal transmission package , pcb designing , signal processing , etc . the measures make the system has a strong ability of interference resisting and enhance the signal noise ratio
    本论文从信号检测传感器、数据传输通道、 pcb布板、软件设计等几个方面重点研究了提高系统抗干扰能力的原理和要采取的措施,使检测系统具有较强的抑制干扰信号的能力,提高了武汉理工大学硕士学位论文信噪t匕。
  • The writer synthesize the technology of computer , wireless data communication , automatic control , ect . , based in the cosideration of update communication technology according with the traditional industrial , implement a data transmission channel using gsm short message platform , which can meet the requirements of monitoring , dispersing and non - watching of the monitoring collection points , it is also a monitoring collection system with the features of wide covering by net , non - schedueld and unfixed monitoring , and it has the strong points of low investment and low management cost as well . this system has advantages compared with other systems that should meet the requirements as dispered locations of monitoring collection , wide covering , unfixing monitoring , non - strict demand for real - time
  • Common data interfaces used in radio include rs - 232 , etc . as the rapid growth of data speed in data radio , asynchronous serial port does not meet the need of data transmission of high - speed data radio . data radio is gradually using ethernet interface as high - speed data radio ’ s data interface , to function as a high - speed data channel between host computer and data radio . this paper brings forward a universal radio interface protocol model , whose core is taking ethernet as a high speed data channel in network protocol stack
  • Based on this leading control thought , this thesis introduces the project based on embedded industrial ethernet , discusses and realizes the hardware configuration and software system of the node network controller . we can build the uniform net control system using this technology
  • The design procedure and the application method of the gprs terminal were introduced in this paper in detail . this paper was divided into several main parts as follow : firstly , according to the dominant demands for the wireless channel , the method using the gprs network was selected as the solution for the design of the wireless data transmission terminal by comparing the characteristics of primary wireless data transmission methods
  • 推荐英语阅读
数据传输通道的英文翻译,数据传输通道英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译数据传输通道,数据传输通道的英文意思,數據傳輸通道的英文数据传输通道 meaning in English數據傳輸通道的英文数据传输通道怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
