- 散 break up; disperse
- 刺法 acupuncture manipulation
- 散刺 scatter needling; scattered needling
- 刺法 acupuncture manipulation (针灸)
- 扩散刺激 diffuse stimulus
- 粹刺法 puncture with a red-hot needle; puncturing with a red-hot needle
- 点刺法 spot pricking
- 速刺法 the method of rapid insertion of the needle
- 针刺法 acupuncture techniques; bayonet point; method of needle insertion; needle point method; needle punching
- 背部挑刺法 pricking in the back
- 多刺法接种 multiple-puncture vaccination
- 九刺法之一 puncture with a red-hot needle
- 瘤胃穿刺法 rumenocentesis
- 皮肤针刺法 cutaneous acupuncture method
- 普及针刺法 popularize acupuncture
- 热气冲刺法 hot-air douche
- 深穿刺法 bathycentesis
- 透穴刺法 point-through-point acupuncture
- 透穴针刺法 point-through-point method in acupuncture
- 透针刺法 point-through-point acupuncture
- 用点刺法 with quick insertion
- 针刺法通讯 acupuncture letter
- 腧穴刺法 point-needle manipulations; point-needling manipulation
- 感应电针刺法 faradipuncture
- 上颌窦穿刺法 puncture of maxillary sinus