" when they arrived there , they found that the church door was fast shut . 他们到达教堂时发现教堂门紧闭着。
An angry martin luther nailed 95 theocrats to a church door 怒火中烧的马丁?路德把95个神学人员钉到教堂门上。
So i slid out and slipped off up the road , and there warn t anybody at the church , except maybe a hog or two , for there warn t any lock on the door , and hogs likes a puncheon floor in summer - time because it s cool 于是我一溜烟似地走出了家门,走到大路上。教堂里没有什么人,也许除了一两只猪吧。因为教堂门上没有上锁,猪在夏天喜欢上了木条铺的地板图个凉快。
I grew very uncomfortable , meanwhile ; for the afternoon wore fast away , the man whom i had sent off returned from his errand , and i could distinguish , by the shine of the westering sun up the valley , a concourse thickening outside gimmerton chapel porch 同时我越来越心焦因为下午过去得很快,我支使出去的人已经完成使命回来了,而且我从照在山谷的夕阳也能分辨出吉默吞教堂门外已有一大堆人涌出了。