- 救护 relieve a sick or injured pe ...
- 汽车 automobile; motor vehicle; c ...
- 救护汽车连 amb co; motor ambulance company
- 救护汽车排 amb plt; ambulance platoon
- 保护汽车用牛皮纸 car liner
- 救护 relieve a sick or injured person; give first-aid (to); rescue 救护伤员 give first-aid to the wounded; 得到医疗救护 obtain medical aid; 这是一次出色的救护演习。 it is a well and efficient exercise of medical aid.; 救护车 ambulance; ambulance waggon; ambulance car; field ambulance; auxilium; 救护船 ambulance ship; obliged vessel; 救护队 ambulance corps; first-aid team; 救护飞机 ambulance aircraft; air ambulance; plane ambulance; 救护所 medical aid station; 救护条款 suing and labouring clause; (海上保险) sue and labour clause; 救护站 first-aid station; aid station; casualty station
- 救护站,救护所 aid sta
- 救护车,救护船,救护飞机 amb ambulance
- 场救护 ambulance
- 救护班 ambulance party
- 救护包 treatment kit
- 救护车 ambulance (4xand 4x4); ambulance (medical vehicle); ambulance car; ambulance waggcn; ambulance waggon; ambulancen; ambulances; auxilium; crash cart; field ambulance; krankenwagen; meat wagon; medical truck; motor ambulance; ratchet; rescue car; rescue vehicle
- 救护船 ambulance ship; ambulance transport; lifeboat; obliged vessel; rescue boat; rescue ship
- 救护队 ambulance corps; first-aid team; rescue brigade; rescue crew; rescue detail; rescue party; rescue squad
- 救护岗 ambulance post
- 救护机 aerial ambulance; airborme ambulance; airplane ambulance ; air ambulance; ambulance aircraft; medical evacuation aircraft; red-cross aircraft; resue aeroplane
- 救护局 ambulance station
- 救护频 escape apparatus
- 救护绳 tail line
- 救护所 aidstation; medical aid post; medical aid station
- 救护艇 ambulance boat; yh
- 救护物 salvage
- 救护箱 ambulance box
- 救护椅 tragsitz
- 救护员 ambulanceman; lifeguard; lifesaver
- 救护汽车的法语:camion (hôpital, d'ambulance)