Be imitators of me , as i also am of christ 1你们要效法我,像我效法基督一样。
Be ye followers of me , even as i also am of christ 1你们该效法我,像我效法基督一样。
Follow my example , as i follow the example of christ 1你们该效法我,像我效法基督一样。
Be imitators of me , just as i also am of christ 林前11 : 1你们该效法我、像我效法基督一样。
1 cor . 11 : 1 be imitators of me , as i also am of christ 林前十一1你们要效法我,像我效法基督一样。
We act like christ , serving people , so that love and virute preserve forever 效法基督,为人?服务,爱德永存。
As the church aims at making some marked degree of likeness to christ ' s character the standard for christian teachers , our missionaries will be able to pass this on to their converts , and say to them : “ be ye followers of us , even as we are of christ 教会的目的就是要树立基督样式的标准以为基督徒的楷模,宣教师也能在宣教地区如此的做,并且说: “效法我,像我效法基督一样。 ”
The diocese should formulate guidelines for the teaching of religious and moral studies , which help the younger generation build up a positive outlook on life , replete with true love , and guide them to adopt christ as their own model , i . e . using imitation of christ s spirit of love and service as an infinite motivation in their search for perfection 教区应制订教理及伦理教学进程指引,帮助青少年建立积极及充满爱的人生观,引导他们以基督作为典范,亦即以效法基督的博爱和服务精神作为自己追求臻于至善境界的无穷动力并编写适合各班级使用的宗教伦理课本,及介绍有关参考资料。