Change of the interest rate of loan when commercial banks become more risk averse 增加风险规避程度对银行放款利率的影响
Finally , banks receiving government deposits offer more favorable prime rates due to their lower costs 最后,有代理公库存款的银行会因其较低的资金成本而能提供较优惠的基本放款利率。
Business loans can offer up to 79 % ltv ( loan to valuation ) with variable rates , depending on status and length of term 商业贷款一般可从1 , 000 , 000英镑50 , 000英镑在高度竞争的商业贷款放款利率从领导
For different types of banks , regional banks have the highest prime rates and new commercial banks have the lowest ones 以银行类型区分,区域银行在基本放款利率订价上为最高、旧银行次之,新银行则最低。
This paper examines the factors that cause the variations of the prime rates among individual banks by establishing a prime rate pricing model 摘要本研究的主要目的为透过对银行经营状况、策略目标及资金成本等经营特性方面之衡量与比较,探讨造成个别银行基本放款利率订价差异的主要因素。
With respect to different lending strategies , banks that focus on consumer loans have higher prime rates than those offering more commercial loans to reflect their different risk premia 相对于以从事企业授信为主之银行而言,其目标偏重消费性放款之银行则会订定较高的基本放款利率以反映其风险溢酬。
The empirical results show that the banks with larger scale tend to have lower prime rates and that bank capital costs and operating expenses have positive effects on the prime rate pricing 实证结果发现,银行资金成本及营业费用对基本放款利率有正向影响,而规模愈大的银行则会有较低的基本放款利率。