- 放弃 give up; abandon; renounce; ...
- 权 counterpoise; weight power; ...
- 项 nape
- 放弃,弃权 waiver
- 放弃权利 abandonment of right; abdicate; abdication; quit claim; quitclaim; renounce right; renunciation of right; surrender of rights; waive rights; waiver of rights; withdraw a claim; waive a right; withdraw a claim; waive a right
- 放弃权利者 releasor
- 放弃权力 giving up power
- 放弃权益书 deed of disclaimer
- 否认;放弃权利 disclaimer
- 弃权证 放弃书 waiver
- 放弃 放弃权利声明书 renunciation
- 放弃权利的人 releasor
- 放弃权利契据 deed of release
- 放弃权利文件 renunciation documents
- 放弃权利证书 quitclaim deed
- 权项 claim
- 自动放弃,弃权,弃权声明书 waiver
- 放弃权利的契约 quit claim deed
- 放弃权利声明书 letter of renunciation; renunciation
- 明示放弃, 明示弃权书 express waiver
- 转让证书, 放弃权利契据 deed of release
- 弃权 1.(放弃权利) abstain from voting; abstention; renunciation; waiver 七票弃权 seven abstentions; 辩论结束投票时, 有几个议员弃权。 several mps abstained from voting at the end of the debate. 在这次公民投票中有许多人弃权。 in the referendum many people abstained.2.[体育] waive the right (to play); forfeit
- 弃权,放弃(公法范畴皇帝或官员放弃职位) abdicatio
- 放弃 give up; abandon; renounce; back-out; forsake; resign; surrender; abstain from; forgo; render (up); back down; drop; pack in; wash out; put away; get out of 放弃个人意见 withdraw one's opinion; 放弃休息时间 give up one's time for rest; 放弃表决权 abstain from voting; 放弃财产 relinquish one's possessions; 放弃原则 forsake one's principles; 放弃职守 desert one's post; 这项计划很可能被放弃。 the plan will most probably be abandoned. 他放弃了出国的念头。 he gives up the idea of going abroad. 那位女电影演员放弃事业而结婚了。 the film actress gave up her career and married.; 放弃保费 waiver of premium; 放弃公民权 renounce one's citizenship; 放弃国籍 renounce one's nationality; 放弃国籍声明 declaration of alienage; 放弃航次 abandonment of the voyage; 放弃继承权 renunciation of succession; 放弃奖金 waiver of premium; 放弃金本位 off the gold standard; 放弃权利 renounce; renunciation; 放弃上诉权 renunciation of appeal; 放弃诉讼 renounce an action; 放弃索赔 renunciation of claim; 放弃条款 waiver clause; 放弃遗产继承权 renounce claim to an inheritance
- 从属权项 dependent claim