放出 give out; let out; emit; discharge; snap out; bleed; spray; go into; give off; send out; escape into; exude; disengage; extract; eject 放出光和热 give out light and heat; 放出清香 exude a delicate fragrance; 放出蒸汽 let off steam; 陈年抽屉放出樟脑气味。 the old chest exuded a smell of camphor. 要是塑料和橡胶被焚, 就会放出有毒的气体。 if plastic and rubber are burnt, they'll give off poisonous gases.; 放出有息贷款 lend at interest; 放出指令 emit instructions
The free alkali metals react immediately with water to liberate hydrogen . 游离的碱金属直接和水中作用,放出氢气。
11 never vent hydrogen from a high pressure source such as a cylinder in order to remove contaminants . always use an external source of nitrogen or air for this purpose 决不允许为了吹除杂质从高压气源,例如气瓶中放出氢气。做类似事情时,只能用氮气或空气作为外在气源。