- fish and visitors smell in three days
- 放债 lend money for interest
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 比 2
- 借债 borrow money; raise a loan
- 记性好 have a good memory
- 放债人的记性比借债人好。 the creditor has always a better memory than the detor.〖hotline
- 放债的 money lending; money-lending
- 放债的人 money monger
- 放债的人, 放利者 money-monger
- 借债的抵押品 security for a loan
- 借债的人谎言多 lying rides upon debt's back
- 资本与负债的比率 gearing ratios
- 记性好 retentively
- 抵押品对固定负债的比率 ratio of security to fixed liabilities
- 现金对流动负债的比率 ratio of cash to current liabilities
- 资本对固定负债的比率 ratio of capital to fixed liabilities
- 资本对流动负债的比率 ratio of capital to current liabilities
- 负债的 encumbered with debts; indebted
- 公债的 stock
- 欠债的 in queer street; indeed ad
- 记性好的 retentive
- 债的转让, 债的移转 assignment of obligation
- 固定资产对资本负债的比率 ratio of fixed assets to capital liabilities
- 利息费用对承担利息负债的比率 ratio of of interest expenses to interest bearing liability
- 流动资产对流动负债的比率 ratio of current assets to current liabilities
- Creditors have better memories than debtors