攻其一点不及其余 seize upon one point and ignore the overall picture
攻其一点,不及其余 attack sb. for a single fault without considering his other aspectsseize upon one point and ignore the overall picturepounce on one point and ignore all others
攻其无备出其不意 strike where the enemy is unprepared appear where he does not expect us
攻其无备 attack him where he is unprepared appear where you are not expected
Urgent antisubmarine attack 紧急攻潜法
Searching for submarine , that is , getting accurate position and motion datas , is an essential prerequiste to hitting the submarine 搜潜是攻潜的前提,要使反潜武器准确地命中潜艇目标,首先应该在海洋环境中获取潜艇确切的位置和运动数据。
In order to improve the capability of asw , navy has , preliminarily been equipped with modern anti - submarine weapons , among which helcopter serves as the core . consequently , for the formation of the powerful combat capability , there is an urgent need of building an airborne anti - submarine tactical data system ( tds ) , which carries out comprehensive information processing and fulfils inflight commanding and guiding 为了提高我军的航空反潜水平,我军已初步具备以旋翼飞机为核心装备的硬件航空反潜能力,急需构建适应我军现役搜、攻潜武器装备的机载反潜战术数据系统( tds ) ,使我海军在航空反潜方面形成强大的战斗力。