strike where or when the enemy is unprepared; take sb. by surprise; catch sb. unawares; take sb. at a disadvantage; attack [strike] before the enemy is prepared
乘其不备 catch one unprepared; find one off his guard; take advantage of a person's lack of preparation
出其不备 take one unaware; before one is prepared; catch one off guard
出其不意,攻其无备 do the unexpected,attack the unpreparedcatch a weasel asleepcatch sb. unprepareddo what the enemy does not expect,attack before he is preparedshould do what they don't expect,and strike when they're unprepared.take sb. by surprise
出其不意攻其无备 should do what they don't expect and strike when they're unprepared
攻其无备,出其不意 strike where the enemy is unprepared,appear where he does not expect us
攻其无备出其不意 strike where the enemy is unprepared appear where he does not expect us
乘其不意 take advantage of sb.'s ignorance [unpreparedness]
出其不意 (出乎对方意料之外) take sb. by surprise; beyond one's range of expectation; catch sb. unawares [unprepared]; catch [take] someone napping; do what (they) do not expect; have sb. over the barrel
攻破 break through; make a breakthrough; breach 攻破敌军防线 break through the enemy defense lines; 堡垒更容易从内部攻破。 it's easier to “capture the fortress from within.”
The stock - brokers did not corner mr barber as they purposed ; you don ' t catch a weasel asleep 股票经纪人没按原来的打算把巴伯先生逼入绝境,你不可攻其不备。
The stock - brokers did not corner mr barber as they purposed ; you don ' t catch a weasel asleep 股票经纪人没按原来的打算把巴伯先生逼入绝境,你不可攻其不备。
Now , sir , it s got to come to blows sooner or later and what i propose is , to take time by the forelock , as the saying is , and come to blows some fine day when they least expect it 这样,阁下,这就是个是迟些还是早些进行打击的问题。而我的建议是,正如俗语所说,把握时机,然后在某一天,出其不意,攻其不备。
When volumes in japan finally picked up , they caught the tse off - guard : on a couple of occasions in late 2005 and early 2006 the exchange ' s systems crashed , a deep embarrassment 当东京的交易额最终赶上时,他们(指沪深两地)以对东京证券交易构成攻其不备之势:在2005年末2006年初数次使东京的交易体系崩溃,陷入难以自拔的窘境。