- 支流 tributary; affluent; effluen ...
- 分流 bypass flow; distributary; s ...
- 叉河 支流 分流 斗渠 distributary
- 分流;减河;支流 distributary
- 分流支流 diffluent river
- 分流分率 split fraction
- 分流分数 shunt fraction
- 气流分流器 stream splitter
- 河流分流内陆区 indelta
- 精密电流分流器 precision electrical flow divider
- 支流分叉河槽网络节 tributary bifurcating link
- 支流 1.(河的支流) tributary; affluent; effluent; influent; branch; embranchment 一条支流 a tributary2.(次要事物) minor aspects; nonessentials 分清主流和支流 distinguish between the essentials and the nonessentials; 看问题时, 不要把支流当作主流。 in considering a problem, one mustn't mistake the nonessentials for the essentials
- 分流 bypass flow; distributary; split-flow; shunt; shunting; branch; bridging
- 分支流 divergent streams
- 小支流 sprout; subdivided flow
- 支流道 branch runner
- 支流的 creeky; tributary
- 支流湖 lateral lake
- 支流口 tributary inlet
- 支流水 branch water
- 流分类 traffic classification
- 分流,分路,分流器 shunt
- 分流;分流器;旁路 shunt
- 分流器,分流,分路 shunt
- (江河的)支流 tributary