- 产品 product; produce; fabric; ta ...
- 非销售产品 unmarketed product
- 可售产品 salable item
- 销售产品 market product; sell goods
- 搭售 conditional sale; tie-in sale; tiein sale
- 可供销售产品 goods available for sale
- 可销售产品率 quality rate
- 收回已售产品 product withdrawal; productwithdraw
- 业务范围 销售产品 the products
- 销售产品成本,销售成本 cost of goods sold= cost of sales
- 确保销售得持续增长及销售产品结构优化 ensure sales increase and optimize product mix in responsible territory
- 售产利益 profit on sales of a ets; profit on sales of assets
- 售产受托人 trustee for sale
- 售产信托 trust for sale
- 产品 product; produce; fabric; tailorism 工业产品 industrial products; 农产品 farm produce; 畜产品 livestock products; 土特产品 native produce; 名优产品 brand-name, high-quality products; 产品按质分等 grade products according to quality; 有多少种产品是由尼龙制造的? how many products are made from nylon? 这家工厂现正试制一种新产品。 the factory is now trying to manufacture a new model.; 产品包装 the packing of products; 产品保险 manufactuerer's output insurance; 产品保证 warranty for goods purchased; 产品标准 product standard; 产品标准化 standardization of products; 产品差别 differentiation of product; 产品成本 cost of goods manufactured; 产品储备 products-supply; 产品定型 type approval; 产品对路 goods suited to popular tastes; 产品返销 product buy back; 产品管理 management of product; 产品广告 primary advertising; 产品规格 product standard;product specification; 产品号码 identification symbol; 产品积压 stockpiling; stockpiled goods; stockpiling of goods; 产品检验 examination and test of products; 产品鉴定 product identification; 产品目录 list of products; catalog; product summary; 产品设计 [设计] product design; 产品升级换代 upgrading and updating of products;develop new generation of products; 产品说明 description of products; 产品销售 production marketing; 产品销售成本 cost of goods sold; 产品性能 properties of products; 产品质量 product quality; 产品质量检验 production quality test
- 以售产信托方式持有 held upon trust for sale
- 价格策略折扣、优惠券、买一送一搭售等 pricestrategydiscount,coupon,buy-one-get-one-free
- 海产品;水产品 marine product
- 产品,产物 product n. sth. produced in a factory or on a farm
- 产品泵 product pump
- 产品部 imd department
- 产品等 sgs
- 产品法 product basis
- 产品库 product library
- 产品流 product stream