- 援 pull by hand; hold
- 性 nature; character; dispositi ...
- 混凝土 concrete; beton; jetereting
- 变性混凝土 metamorphic concrete
- 塑性混凝土 plastic concrete; plastoconcrete; quaking concrete; wet concrete
- 导电性混凝土 electrically conductive concrete
- 低缩性混凝土 low shrinkage concrete; low-shrinkage concrete
- 干硬性混凝土 concrete of dry consistency; concrete of stiff consistency; dry-packed concrete; earth moist concrete; earth-damp concrete; earth-dry concrete; hard concrete; harsh concrete; harsh mix; no-slump concrete
- 劲性混凝土柱 composite column; composite steel concrete column
- 磨蚀性混凝土 abrasion concrete
- 乾硬性混凝土 stiff concrete; zero no slump concrete; zero-slump concrete
- 纤维性混凝土 fiber reinforced concrete; fibre concrete; fibrous concrete
- 低和易性混凝土 low workability concrete
- 高和易性混凝土 high workability concrete
- 泡沫改性混凝土 foam-modified concrete
- 有和易性混凝土 workable concrete
- 塑性混凝土稳定稠度 wettest stable consistency
- 干硬性混凝器 dry concrete
- 混凝土 concrete; beton; jetereting◇混凝土坝 concrete dam; 混凝土板 concrete slab; 混凝土标号 concrete grade; 混凝土捣固 concrete tamping; 混凝土工 concreter; 混凝土骨料 aggregate; 混凝土管 concrete pipe; 混凝土浇筑 concreting; 混凝土浇注 pouring of concrete; 混凝土搅拌器 truck mixer; 混凝土结构 concrete structure; 混凝土铺面 slab; 混凝土桥 concrete bridge; 混凝土输送泵 concrete pump; 混凝土战术 close defence (球类运动); 混凝土振捣机[器] concrete vibrator; 混凝土制品厂 concrete product plant; 混凝土桩 concrete pile
- 泌浆(混凝土);泌水性(混凝土) bleeding
- 坝混凝土 dam concrete
- 白色混凝土 white concrete
- 柏油混凝土 tar concrete
- 板条混凝土 lath concrete
- 拌混凝土 ready mixed concrete