- seize sb.'s queue; catch sb. in the wrong; pounce on sb.'s inconsistency; seize on sb.'s faults; seize upon sb.'s mistakes or shortcomings
- 辫子 1.(小辫) plait; braid; queue; pigtail 梳辫子 wear one's hair in braids; plait the hair; 把问题梳梳辫子 sort and classify the problems2.(把柄) a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent; handle 揪辫子 seize on sb.'s mistake or shortcoming; capitalize on sb.'s vulnerable point; 辫子花 cable stripe
- 编辫子 plait one's hair make a listarrange in a listorganizegroup
- 辫子管 pigtail
- 辫子花 cable stripe
- 辫子纱 neckline yarns; pigtail yarns
- 辫子梢 the end of a plait
- 打辫子 wear a pigtail; knit a pigtail
- 假辫子 coronet braid switch
- 留辫子 wear plaits
- 翘辫子 kick the bucket; be gathered to one's farthers; catch in one's chips; drop dead; drop off the hooks; give up the ghost; join the great majority; kick up one's heels
- 梳辫子 wear one's hair in braids
- 蒜辫子 braid of garlic
- 小辫子 a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by others; vulnerable point; handle 有小辫子给人抓 have vulnerable points that others may capitalize on; 抓某人的小辫子 take it as a handle against sb
- 银辫子 braided silver high polish chrome
- 抓辫子 seize on sb.'s mistake or shortcoming; capitalize on sb.'s vulnerable point; catch sb. in the wrong; pounce on sb.'s inconsistency
- 辫子(口语用) pigtail
- 辫子草根 smallleaf desmodium root
- 辫子姑娘 miss pony-tail; rapunzel
- 辫子花线 snarl yarn
- 辫子面包 plait bread
- 不抓辫子 “do not seize on others' faults [shortcomings] and blow them up”
- 长短辫子 long/short plaits
- 揪小辫子 seize sb.'s queue--seize upon sb.'s mistakes or shortcomings
- 梳辫子的 pigtailed
- 揪出 uncover; ferret out 揪出暗藏的坏人 uncover hidden evildoer
- 揪 动词1.(紧紧地抓) hold tight; seize 揪住不放 hold in a tight grip; 揪住一个小偷 grab a thief; 他承认了错误, 就别揪着不放了。 now that he has admitted his mistake, we should not keep picking on him.2.(抓住并拉) pull; tug; drag 别那么使劲揪绳子。 don't pull so hard at the rope. 那个小偷给揪到派出所去了。 the thief was dragged off to the police station. 他跑进屋把我从床上揪了起来。he rushed into the room and pulled me out of bed
- 揪辫子的法语:动 chercher à prendre qn en défaut;monter en épingle les moindres défauts de qn
- 揪辫子的日语:〈喩〉 (1)(人の古傷をあばいたりして)その弱点につけこむ. 他故意找碴儿 chár 揪辫子,跟我过不去/彼はわざと言いがかりをつけたり古い事をたねにしたりして私をいじめようとしている. (2)あら捜しをする.揚げ足を取る. 他说的前后不一致,让人家揪住了小辫子/彼は言っていることがちぐはぐなので,人に言葉じりを取られた.▼もとは「弁髪をつかむ」の意味.“抓 zhuā 辫子”ともいう.
- 揪辫子的韩语:【비유】 (1)약점을 잡다. 꼬투리를 잡다. =[揪小辫(子)] [抓辫子] (2)낡은 반동적 사상을 지닌 사람을[악인을] 끄집어내다.
- 揪辫子的俄语:[jiū biànzi] обр. придираться
- 揪辫子什么意思:jiū biàn zi 比喻抓住缺点,作为把柄。也说抓辫子。