- 后 behind; back; rear
- 插管后热,导管热 catheter fever
- 插管后冲洗 irrigation following intubation
- 插管后灌洗 lavage following intubation
- 后热 after heating; afterheating; posdtheading; post heating; postheating
- 插管 ca ula; cannulate; canula cannula; chatheterization; intubate; intubation tube; intubatton; spile; tubage
- 【医学】后热。 secondary fever
- 产后热 lochiopyra; post-parturient fever; puerperal fever
- 后热(焊接) post heating
- 后热器 after heater; after-heater
- 焊后热处理 after postweld heat treating; of postweld heat treating; post welding heat treatment; postweld head treatment; postweld heat treatment; posweld heat treatment/postheat treatment; pwht post weld heat treatment
- 后热处理 after baking; after-baking; postheat treatment
- 后热电流 post-heating current
- 后热温度 postheating temperature
- 炉后热水箱。 water back
- 随后热处理 post-heat treatment
- 不管后果 chance the duck; let the chips fall where they may
- 导管后缩窄 postductal coarctation; postductal coratation
- 耳咽管后唇 labium poterius
- 炮管后退 gun recoil
- 喷管后缘 nozzle lip
- 气管后丛 plexus trachealis posterior
- 气管后的 retrotracheal
- 枪管后座式 recoil operated
- 食管后丛 plexus oesophageus posterior