插手 1.(参加做事) take part; lend a hand 想帮忙又插不上手 be ready to help but not know how to; 人够多了, 您就不用插手了。 you don't have to join in; there are more than enough people on the job already.2.(参与; 干预) have [take] a hand in; poke one's nose into; meddle in 插手某事 have a hand in; 插手太多 meddle too much with things; 到处插手 meddle in everything
假手于人 make sb. else do the work; make a cat's paw of sb.; put into another's hand; (achieve one's end) through the instrumentality of sb. else; transfer; use the hand of ..
参与或插手一切事情 be involved in everything that is happening
The soviet union implanted itself more firmly in the region by sending massive military supplies to egypt, iraq, and syria . 苏联给埃及、伊拉克和叙利亚运来大量军事装备,这就使它比较深入地插手于这个地区。