- 掩蔽 screen; shelter; cover; mask ...
- 体 body; part of the body
- 小型的掩蔽体 in fox holes
- 【军事】狙击手掩蔽体。 spider hole
- 掩蔽 screen; shelter; cover; mask; blanket; hide; defilade; audio masking; aural masking; ensconce 掩蔽目标 cover up the object; keep from sight; 这个土丘可做我们的掩蔽物。 the mound can be used as our screen.; 掩蔽处 cover; 掩蔽地 [军事] covered position; 掩蔽工事 covered works; 掩蔽壕 [军事] sheltertrench; 掩蔽所 shelter; 掩蔽物 [物理学] blanket material; [军事] screen; 掩蔽阵地 covered position
- 推蔽体 nappe
- 遮蔽体 baffle
- 推蔽体;岩幕 nappe
- 旋转屏蔽体 rotating shield
- 衣不蔽体 be in rags; be dressed in rags [tatters]; be of shreds and patches; have insufficient clothing to cover one's nakedness; have no clothes to one's back; have not a shirt [a rag] to one's back; have nothing but rags on one's back; not enough shreds to have one's back covered; wear rags; wear shabby clothes
- 超掩蔽 cross masking
- 覆盖,掩蔽 shroud v. cover and hide
- 光掩蔽 optical masking; photo masking
- 后掩蔽 post masking
- 解掩蔽 demasking
- 屏蔽;掩蔽 shield
- 前掩蔽 pre masking
- 去掩蔽 demasking
- 色掩蔽 masking color
- 声掩蔽 acoustical masking; audio masking; masking audio; sound masking
- 未掩蔽 unshadable
- 下掩蔽 expose
- 掩蔽,庇护 shelter
- 掩蔽板 masking plate
- 掩蔽比 masking ratio