抠 Ⅰ动词1.(用手指或细小的东西往较深的地方挖) dig or dig out with a finger or sth. pointed; scratch 把掉在缝里的豆粒抠出来 dig out the beans from the crevices; 在地上抠个洞 scratch a hole in the ground2.(雕刻) carve; cut 在镜框边上抠点花儿 carve a design on a picture frame3.(不必要的深究; 向一个狭窄的方面深求) delve into; study meticulously 这本书用不着一字一句地抠。 you needn't puzzle over every single word or phrase in the book.Ⅱ形容词[方言] (吝啬) stingy; miserly 他可真抠。 he is really a miser
Don ' t put them too high or low ; hold them in a natural way 不要把马头拉得太高或过低;要用自然的方法控缰。
Collection is consequently not achieved by shortening of the pace through a resisting action of the hand , but instead by using the seat and legs to engage the hind legs further under the horse ' s body 因此,不是靠控缰使步幅缩短而做到收缩,而是用骑坐和脚的作用,使后肢更向马体下方深踏而达到收缩。