动词 1.(用指甲按; 用手指使劲捏或截断) pinch; nip 短语和例子
把嫩枝掐短 pinch back the young shoots; 把香烟掐了 stub out the cigarette; 不要掐花。 don't nip off the flowers. 他把植物的顶端掐掉。 he pinched the top of the plants off. 2.(用手的虎口紧紧按住) clutch 短语和例子
掐脖子 seize sb. by the throat; take by the throat; 掐死 choke to death; throttle
掐脖子 seize sb. by the throattake by the throat讫哩什那神 krishna掐不齐 virgate lespedeza herb讫解尼师今 heulhae of silla掐菜炒牛肉丝 saute beef shreds with bean routs; saute beef shreds with bean sprouts讫点区 destination zone掐菜炒肉丝 saute meat shreds with bean routs; saute meat shreds with bean sprouts讫点 destination掐菜炒熏鸡丝 saute smoked chicken shreds and bean routs; saute smoked chicken shreds and bean sprouts; sautesmokedchicke hredsandbea routs讫 动词1.(完结) settle ; complete 付讫 paid; 收讫 received in full; 验讫 checked; examined2.(截止) end 起讫 the beginning and the end
I am chuching it away because i must go . 我把它掐 灭了,因为我必须走了。 Pinch out the weak shoots on a plant .掐 掉植物上发育不良的芽。 Then arch's fingers squeezed his thin neck . 阿奇的手指就一把掐 住他的细脖子。 She stubbed out the cigarette after the first puff . 她只吸了一口就把香烟掐 灭了。 You'd better get that cigar out . 你最好把雪茄掐 了。 "put the goddam thing out," croft snapped . 克洛夫特立刻大喝一声:“把这劳什子掐 掉。” I remember thinking at the time she was cutting it rather fine . 我记得当时还想过她可真会掐 时间。 He got his fingers to the man's throat and squeezed . 他一下抓住了那个人的喉咙,狠狠地掐 住不松手。 I pinched her and the agitation of the sofa-springs ceased . 我掐 了她一把,沙发弹簧吱吱嘎嘎的响声停了。 The man gave a shout of surprise and then feliks had him by the throat . 那个人吃惊地喊了一声,费利克斯掐 住了他的喉咙。
掐的法语 :动 1.pincer;cueillir~花cueillir une fleur 2.agripper;saisir entre les doigts(ou entre les mains);écraser de l'ongle~死étrangler.掐的日语 :(2)(両手を広げて)押さえつける. 掐脖子 bózi /首根っこを絞めつける. 掐死/絞め殺す. (3)(掐儿)〔量詞〕〈方〉2本の指でつまめる量. 买两掐儿蒜苗 suànmiáo /ニンニクの若芽をふたつまみ買う.掐的韩语 :(1)[동사] 꼬집다. 누르다. 조르다. 掐指甲印子; 손톱 자국을 내다 掐脖子; 활용단어참조 =[卡qiǎ(2)] →[拤qiá] (2)[동사] 꺾다. 끊다. 不要掐公园里的花儿; 공원 안의 꽃을 꺾지 마라 掐电线; 전선을 끊다 (3)[동사] 움켜쥐다. 掐着一大把青菜; 채소 한 움큼을 크게 움켜쥐다 (4)[동사]【방언】 안다. [섬서(陝西)·산서(...掐的俄语 :[qiā] 1) сорвать; отщипнуть (ногтями) 掐花儿 [qiā huār] — сорвать цветок 2) щипать; ущипнуть 掐人 [qiārén] — щипаться 3) сдавить; сжать (руками) 掐死 [qiāsǐ] — задушить (руками) • - 掐脖子掐什么意思 :qiā ㄑㄧㄚˉ 1)用指甲按或截断:~算。~花。~尖儿。 2)割断,截去:~头去尾。 3)用手的虎口及手指紧紧握住:一把~住。 4)量词,一只手或两只手指尖相对握着的数量:一~儿松枝。 ·参考词汇: clutch nip pinch 雕肝掐肾 掐尖,掐尖儿 掐菜 掐算 掐尖落钞 掐诀 掐头去尾 能掐会算